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首頁 / 佛经原文 / Dhammapada

Dhammapada 26 - Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man

Dhp 26 - Brahmanavagga: The Holy Man

383. Exert yourself, O holy man! Cut off the stream (of craving), and discard sense desires. Knowing the destruction of all the conditioned things, become, O holy man, the knower of the Uncreated (Nibbana)! 26

384. When a holy man has reached the summit of two
分類: Dhammapada | 閲讀: 3541 | 2014-06-16

Dhammapada 25 - Bhikkhuvagga: The Monk

Dhp 25 - Bhikkhuvagga: The Monk

360. Good is restraint over the eye; good is restraint over the ear; good is restraint over the nose; good is restraint over the tongue.

361. Good is restraint in the body; good is restraint in speech; good is restraint in thought. Restraint everywhere is good. The
分類: Dhammapada | 閲讀: 3745 | 2014-06-15

Dhammapada 24 - Tanhavagga: Craving

Dhp 24 - Tanhavagga: Craving

334. The craving of one given to heedless living grows like a creeper. Like the monkey seeking fruits in the forest, he leaps from life to life (tasting the fruit of his kamma).

335. Whoever is overcome by this wretched and sticky craving, his sorrows grow like grass a
分類: Dhammapada | 閲讀: 4333 | 2014-06-14

Dhammapada 23 - Nagavagga: The Elephant

Dhp 23 - Nagavagga: The Elephant

320. As an elephant in the battlefield withstands arrows shot from bows all around, even so shall I endure abuse. There are many, indeed, who lack virtue.

321. A tamed elephant is led into a crowd, and the king mounts a tamed elephant. Best among men is the subdued
分類: Dhammapada | 閲讀: 3867 | 2014-06-13

Dhammapada 22 - Nirayavagga: Hell

Dhp 22 - Nirayavagga: Hell

306. The liar goes to the state of woe; also he who, having done (wrong), says, "I did not do it." Men of base actions both, on departing they share the same destiny in the other world.

307. There are many evil characters and uncontrolled men wearing the saffron robe. Th
分類: Dhammapada | 閲讀: 3527 | 2014-06-12

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