首頁 / 阿彌陀佛

    P07: Bodhi Leaf

    2014-04-07 00:07
    3055   0   0

    One Leaf

    Let's make one leaf first, then duplicate to 54 leaves, then change color, and duplicate to 11 golden leaves:

    1. <g id='BY' fill='url(#leaf1)'>
    2. <g id='leafx' transform='matrix(0.05,0,0,0.05,432,637)'>
    3. <path stroke='#7da54c' stroke-width='2' d='M 327,743 C 479,817 566,684 522,557 515,483 487,438 460,405 413,363 411,289 347,260 294,221 332,151 310,109 c 9,42 -4,85 -18,125 -30,54 -77,75 -97,131 -20,67 -67,68 -70,144 -62,192 99,279 202,234 z'/>
    4. <path fill='#7da54c' d='M 321,732 C 308,243 310,307 311,184 c 3,74 5,54 20,548 1,16 -12,13 -10,-1 z'/>
    5. <g id='yeR'>
    6. <path id='ye' fill='#7da54c' d='m 332,728 c 68,-69 178,-60 195,-154 -9,96 -108,81 -194,160 -4,3 -9,-3 0,-6 z'/>
    7. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.93,0.03,-0.05,0.78,58,96)'/>
    8. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.95,-0.15,0.13,0.87,-83,47.43)'/>
    9. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.72,0.2,0.07,1.18,37,-385)'/>
    10. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.66,-0.08,0.09,0.46,37,166)'/>
    11. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.62,-0.25,0.21,0.42,-40,220)'/>
    12. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.42,-0.23,0.16,0.33,61.07,216.36)'/>
    13. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.35,-0.14,0.14,0.2,97.45,231.9)'/>
    14. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.22,-0.1,0.08,0.16,181.04,219.65)'/>
    15. <use xlink:href='#ye' transform='matrix(0.1,-0.05,0.04,0.07,248.3,230.17)'/>
    16. </g><use xlink:href='#yeR' transform='matrix(-1,0.07,0.07,1,603.46,-16.08)'/>
    17. </g>
    18. </g>

    Firfox does not display above leaf properly. However other browser displays correctly. No worries, we continue to make some fruits:

    And we duplicate and make a total of 11*fruit1, 2*fruit2, 17*fruit3, 4*fruit4, 11*fruit5, 3*fruit6 = total 48 fruits

    And mirrorred again to make a total 130 leaves + 2*48 fruits:

    Namo Amitabha Buddha ★ 南無阿彌陀佛

    Different browser understands SVG differently: Opera and Firefox display best, however Opera can only display SVG stand-alone.

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