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    P08: Four Color Lotus Flowers

    2014-04-17 00:08
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    Four color Lotus Flowers

    Version amtf48a in 2006 has a very bright yellow lotus flower, so we keep it, but amtf48a is 150MB in size, so we just cut the yellow lotus in image, and will clean up the svg later.

    1. <use xlink:href='#LF4Ra' transform='matrix(-1,0,0,1,108,0)'/>
    2. <g id='LF4Ra'>
    3. <use xlink:href='#LF4a' transform='matrix(0.4,0.5,1.2,-0.3,11,-7)'/>
    4. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(-0.9,-0.1,-0.5,0.9,131,-1)'/>
    5. </g>
    6. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(1,0,0,0.8,0,-5.5)'/>
    7. <ellipse cx='54' cy='28' rx='19.5' ry='5' fill='url(#seed)' stroke='#7e9f1b' stroke-width='1'/>
    8. <g id='seed0' transform='matrix(0.17,0,0,0.17,-28.26,-123)'>
    9. <ellipse fill='#375934' cx='484' cy='873' rx='16' ry='4.8'/>
    10. <ellipse fill='url(#seed)' cx='484' cy='872' rx='16' ry='4.8'/>
    11. </g>
    12. <use xlink:href='#LF4R' transform='matrix(-1,0,0,1,108,0)'/>
    13. <g id='LF4R'>
    14. <use xlink:href='#seed0' x='-9' y='1'/>
    15. <path id='LF4a' d='m 83,20 c -7,5 -13,13 -8,15 7,-1 10,-7 8,-15 z'/>
    16. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(0.7,0,-0.3,0.9,42,2)'/>
    17. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(0.5,-0.4,-0.4,-0.4,66,74)'/>
    18. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(0.8,-0.2,-0.3,-0.5,36,71)'/>
    19. </g>
    20. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(1,0,0,-0.54,0,63)'/>
    21. <path id='LF4' d='m 54,26 c -3,2 -5,1 -7,2 -6,3 -5,15 7,15 12,0 13,-12 7,-15 -2,-1 -4,0 -7,-2 z'/>
    22. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(1,0,0,0.54,0,20)'/>
    23. <g id='LF4Rb'>
    24. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(0.5,-0.1,-0.6,0.6,74,19)'/>
    25. <use xlink:href='#LF4' transform='matrix(0.7,0,-0.3,0.5,43,20)'/>
    26. </g>
    27. <use xlink:href='#LF4Rb' transform='matrix(-1,0,0,1,108,0)'/>

    Though there are 4 detailed lotus flowers, actually we only draw 2 lines of code (red in above) and duplicated into one lotues then duplicate into 4 color lotueses.

    And here is for today's work. So far so good, total 340 lines of svg in 20.9KB

    青色青光 黃色黃光 赤色赤光 白色白光 微妙香潔

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